What are the most common diseases in otorhinolaryngology?

Upper airway infections are one of the most frequent diseases treated by the otorhinolaryngologist.

The upper airway is understood as the nostrils, the paranasal sinuses, the ear, the oral cavity, the pharynx and the larynx.

Why go in the first instance with an otolaryngologist and not with another non-specialist doctor in the upper airway?

Going first with the certified otolaryngologist guarantees that he or she is the specialist in this area and that he is up-to-date in terms of treatments, in addition to the fact that his experience in this area is unmatched by  any other doctor who is not an otolaryngologist.

Among the most frequent infections are:


Tonsillitis is the inflammation of the tonsils, this infection can be acute or chronic.

Evaluation by an otolaryngologist is important to provide assertive treatment and thus avoid the use of various antibiotic regimens and, in the case of chronic tonsillitis, assess whether the treatment is surgical to avoid complications.

External otitis

It is the external ear infection generally caused by exposure to water (pool, sea, etc.), infection in some other part of the upper airway, manipulation (use of cotton swabs, insertion of keys, clips, pins, etc.).

Middle ear

Middle ear infection which can be acute or chronic due to the time of evolution.

Its treatment is medical and evaluation by an otorhinolaryngologist is suggested from the beginning to avoid complications and improve the symptoms of ear pain and plugged ear in a timely manner.

Allergic rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis is a frequent cause of consultation in otorhinolaryngology.

Allergic rhinitis is the presence of symptoms such as itchy nose, continuous sneezing, nasal congestion, mucus, etc. that a patient presents when smelling something to which the patient is allergic such as dust, pollen, etc.

With the increase in contamination In the environment this disease is becoming more frequent.

Hearing loss

Hearing loss or decreased hearing is a frequent cause of consultation with the otorhinolaryngologist.

Hearing loss can occur at any age and can even be born with it, although most patients with this disease are older adults. There are many  causes  like infections, acoustic trauma, occupational exposure, head injuries, etc. The treatment is very varied from surgery, medications, exercises, use of hearing aid, etc.

Earwax or match plug

The production of cerumen or wax by the ear can be excessive in some patients, which causes plugs, these plugs generate symptoms such as: itching, feeling of a clogged ear, pain, etc. The treatment is the extraction of this with ear washing, aspiration or with tweezers. It should always be performed by an otolaryngologist who is the specialist who has the knowledge, instruments and experience necessary to avoid damaging the ear.


Tinnitus or tinnitus is the condition in which the patient hears a constant noise in one or both ears constantly or intermittently in the absence of an external source of sound.

This condition becomes very annoying in some patients, sometimes preventing them from falling asleep.

The causes for tinntus are various such as acoustic trauma, infection, hearing loss, etc.

An assessment by a certified ENT doctor is very important to find the reason and, if necessary, request studies.

Treatment varies according to the cause, ranging from medical treatment to the use of hearing aids.

These are some of the pathologies that otorhinolaryngology assesses, but if you have any ear, nose or throat symptoms, you should see an otolaryngologist.

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