Deep neck abscess

These infections are mainly secondary to dissemination of mainly dental infections and upper respiratory tract infections.

Among the most common risk factors may be Diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, renal failure, hypothyroidism, HIV infection, steroid therapy, chemotherapy and other sources of immunosuppression.

Findings on physical examination include swelling of the face and neck, erythema, and purulent oral discharge.

Its diagnosis is clinical and is complemented by laboratory and cabinet studies. Surgical treatment accompanied by antibiotic therapy.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

Deep neck infections, regardless of their location, share a series of systemic symptoms indicative of the infectious process such as:

Deep neck abscess
Deep neck abscess
Deep neck abscess
Deep neck abscess

Emergency Cases

Salamanca Guanajuato
464 116 2012

San Miguel de Allende
415 111 6819

Please contact in case of emergency or to request a consultation.


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