Ventilation tubes

Ventilation tubes are small hollow cylinders that are inserted into the eardrum during surgery.

This opening allows the middle ear to drain and air to flow into the middle ear and prevents fluid from collecting behind the eardrum.

In general, ventilation tubes are made of metal or plastic.

Ventilation tubes are often recommended for children who have persistent fluid buildup behind the eardrum. In general, ventilation tubes are made of metal or plastic.

Ventilation tubes are often recommended for children who have persistent fluid buildup behind the eardrum, especially if the disorder causes hearing loss or affects speech development.

Most vent tubes come out on their own within 4 to 18 months, and the holes close on their own.

Ránula Sublingual
Ránula Sublingual
Ránula Sublingual
Ránula Sublingual

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Salamanca Guanajuato
464 116 2012

San Miguel de Allende
415 111 6819

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