How is the first visit to the otolaryngologist and what to expect?
Before going to my otorhinolaryngology clinic for the first time, the time, date and place of the appointment is confirmed through my assistant.
Subsequently, a link is sent to pre-fill patient data such as age, allergies, medical history, etc. so that upon arrival it is known in advance why the patient is going and the consultation takes less time, focusing most of the time on physical examination and explanation of pathology and treatment.
This questionnaire can be filled out optionally, not being mandatory.
Once entering the consultation, the patient’s clinical history is completed, asking the reason for consultation and specifically questioning according to the patient’s pathology, history, risk factors, previous treatments, etc.
After finishing the interrogation of the patient to fill out his medical history, he goes to the physical examination area, where the patient is assessed.
Through otoscopy ears are valued, through rhinoscopy both nostrils are observed and with the use of tongue depressors the oral cavity is observed.
If necessary, the neck is palpated in search of lymph nodes, tumors, cysts, etc.

When the patient requires it, laryngoscopy is performed right there in the consultation, such as in patients who come for a voice ailment. If the patient requires nasal endoscopy, it is also performed, for example in the patient in which nasal polyps are detected.
If earwax plugs are observed during the physical examination, the patient’s ear is washed during the same consultation, if the patient agrees.
Once the physical examination of the patient is finished, he is returned to the desk where I explain to the patient and family the findings found during the physical examination, as well as the pathology and the necessary treatment.
In options, there is a need to request an imaging study such as tomography or audiometry, options of places where they can be performed are mentioned.
The questions and concerns of each patient are always listened to, resolving them in the clearest way possible.
Subsequently, the payment of the consultation is made, which can be done with cash or credit card or debit and the invoice is made if the patient so requests and is sent via email.
Likewise, the subsequent appointment can be made at once if it is necessary.
During the day or the next day, a message will arrive on the patient’s cell phone requesting an assessment of the service provided, always with the desire to improve and for patients to feel satisfied and happy with the care provided.