Prominent Ears

Prominent, protruding, protruding or loop ears are a congenital pathology that produces a worrying or complex psychological effect on the patient and/or their family environment.

They are the most frequent auricular deformity of the auricular pavilion; They appear in approximately 5% of the population and constitute one of the most common congenital problems.

This pathology is frequently associated with psychological problems and emotional disorders in children and adults, leading to the creation of an inferiority complex in many cases. The involvement is usually bilateral and can differ between the two ears.

The treatment of this malformation is a surgical procedure designed to give the ear a more natural and anatomical appearance.

Scar formation:
Although the scars are permanent, they are likely to be hidden behind the ears or within the creases of the ears.

Asymmetry in the location of the ears:
This can occur as a result of changes during the healing process. Also, surgery may not be able to correct pre-existing asymmetry.

Changes in skin sensitivity:
During otoplasty, repositioning of the ears may temporarily affect sensation in that area. In rare cases, the changes are permanent.

Allergic reaction:
It is possible to have an allergic reaction to the tape or other materials used during or after the procedure.

Problems with points:
The stitches that were made to firm the new shape of the ear may protrude towards the surface of the skin and, in this case, it is necessary to remove them.

Herlida Guadalupe González Villanueva -
Prostate Cancer
Prostate Cancer
Prostate Cancer
Prostate Cancer

Emergency Cases

Salamanca Guanajuato
464 116 2012

San Miguel de Allende
415 111 6819

Please contact in case of emergency or to request a consultation.


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